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"To know and share God's Light"

About Us
We invite you to join us here at Epiphany, wherever you are on your spiritual path. We seek and strive to be a welcoming, inclusive, and diverse spiritual home, and we would love to share our journey with you.

Many of our members are not “cradle Episcopalians” but come from other - or no - church backgrounds. We are young and old, straight and LGBTQ, and people of many colors. We believe that God’s doors are open to all, and we humbly do our best to live out: “All are Welcome!”

Single? Married? Partner-ed? Divorced? We believe that God’s grace extends to all, and so the church’s sacraments are for all. Everyone is welcome to Communion at God’s Table--the altar. Desiring to celebrate a lifelong commitment? The Episcopal Church celebrates marriage for all.


Our Sunday services center around Holy Communion (also known as the Eucharist). Services begin by being reminded of our place in God’s story as the scriptures (bible stories) are read, a homily is preached, prayers are said together, and we celebrate God’s love and forgiveness. Then we bless bread and wine in the name of Christ and share them as a sign of unity and source of strength. Finally, we are sent out into the world bearing the gifts of strength and hope.

Our 8:00 am service is a quiet, contemplative Eucharist (Rite II) without music.

Our 10:00 am Holy Eucharist (Rite II) service includes music and singing. (All voices are always welcome!) Our children hear the stories of the bible in “Godly Play,” a Montessori-like way of learning about the wonders of God and creation.  All children are always welcome in church. There are rockers at the back of the church for parents with infants, and there's an assortment of children's books there, too.


There is no dress code. (After all, we live and worship in the Bay Area!) Some people dress up in their Sunday best, and others show up in khakis or jeans. The important thing is that you are with us and are comfortable being with us.


Actor and comedian Robin Williams said that “pew aerobics” were among the “Top Ten Reasons for Being an Episcopalian.” You’ll quickly notice that people pray in a variety of postures, and whatever is comfortable for them - and you - is the right way (i.e. there is no “just one right way.” In the worship bulletin (that an usher hand will give you when you arrive), we make a few suggestions to make it easy for Newcomers (and Old Timers) to follow along.

(Check them all out: "Top Ten Reasons for Being an Episcopalian!"


Yes! We are wheelchair and walker accessible. Come across the outdoor labyrinth and enter through the chapel. Greeters are available to help. Inside, we have adapted our front pews to welcome those with walkers or wheelchairs.


After each service, we enjoy coffee hour in the courtyard or in our parish hall next to the church building. Kids hang out on the church’s playground while adults catch up with others - and welcome newcomers.


Epiphany was founded in 1947 as a parish in the Episcopal Diocese of California.

Our primary mission is To know and share God's light, with ministry goals:

  • to enable lay ministry both inside and outside the church

  • to have a special focus on ministry for and with children and youth

  • to create a warm atmosphere of inclusion within our community

  • to be responsible stewards of our resources

We are a growing, hope-filled parish in the midst of Silicon Valley, with a vital congregation from all walks of life. Our worship binds us together and welcomes people with diverse concepts of God, faith, and the Holy. Our clergy won’t tell you “what” to believe, and they are always happy to chat about any questions or “wonderings” you may have.

Rainbow Doors (2021_01_17 20_34_29 UTC).

Clergy & Staff

Our Clergy

Our Clergy

Marisa Tabizon Thompson

The Rev. Dr. Marisa Tabizon Thompson came to Epiphany in 2024. Marisa has a husband, Joe, and two children, Zoe and Patrick. A native Oregonian, she is thrilled to return to ministry on the West Coast.


Rev. Marisa started ordained ministry as the Episcopal chaplain at the University of Oregon, followed by the role of Associate Rector for children and families at Holy Comforter Episcopal Church in Burlington, NC, and most recently, All Saints Episcopal Church in Omaha, Nebraska, where she served for over eight years. She is a graduate of the University of Oregon - Clark Honors College, Yale Divinity School, and Drew University. Her academic interests range from Gospel music to ecumenism in modern times to ethics.


Marisa is currently a member of the Standing Commission for Structure, Governance, Constitution, and Canons for The Episcopal Church. Past TEC work includes leading the parity committee investigating and creating policies to bring equality to clergy hiring processes, serving on the Task Force for the Coordination of Ecumenical and Interfaith Work, and in leadership for several denomination wide conferences and events focused on clergy leadership, women's leadership, and discernment. Locally, she loves developing hands-on ministry opportunities through activities such as starting three different food pantries, bringing the power of music into worship and parish life, and helping everyone to find and engage their spiritual gifts.

AnnaMarie G. Hoos
Associate Rector

The Rev. AnnaMarie Hoos joined Epiphany as Associate Rector in July of 2021. Her vocational passions include preaching, intergenerational approaches to faith formation and discipleship, contemplative and evening worship, and connecting the church with the community in service and towards justice.


A native Californian, AnnaMarie grew up in Los Angeles before studying English and Foreign Affairs at Baylor University. After college, she moved to Scotland, where she lived in community on the island of Iona, working as a cook at Iona Abbey and learning to lead creative, inclusive worship. She moved to San Francisco in the late 1990s, where she found the Episcopal Church and became an active lay leader, first at Grace Cathedral and then at St. Gregory of Nyssa, as well as with the San Francisco Night Ministry.


AnnaMarie has served on the Standing Committee of the Diocese of California, and was part of the DioCal deputation to General Convention in 2015 and 2018. She is currently active in the Peninsula Deanery and serving on a diocesan task force addressing the clergy housing shortage, as well as holding a position on the Executive Council.


Before becoming a priest, AnnaMarie worked in communications and program planning, first as a lay employee of Grace Cathedral in San Francisco and then for Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary. She also worked in operations for the American Red Cross. In her spare time, AnnaMarie enjoys working at a local farmers market, cooking with friends, movies and baseball games, poetry, and travel. She especially enjoys making pickles, jams, jellies, and other elixirs from the amazing bounty of our local farms - especially with Epiphany youth!

Our Staff

Our Staff
Jennifer Barnette

Jennifer Barnett

Director of Music Ministry

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Petra Gilmore

Petra Gilmore


Gwyneth Dodge-Hogarth

Parish Administrator

Our Vestry

Our Vestry

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Mallory Stevens

Senior Warden


Laura Bierwagen

Junior Warden

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Ginny Grant

Claudia Nadalin


Kim Hartman

Chris Willard 2024.HEIC

Chris Willard


Angela Rae

David M. 2024.HEIC

David Marasco


Dwight Hill

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Jon Grodem

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Michele Maia

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LeighAnn Weiland

Our Vestry meetings are usually held every third Monday evening of the month.

Our Treasurers

Our Treasurers

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Lora O'Haver-Rae

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Alyson Towry-Jenkins

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